Trust Your Inner Voice
Insider Tip: In the sea of law school advice and expert opinions, it's easy to lose sight of your most valuable compass: your inner voice.
Challenge Yourself: Are you inadvertently suppressing your instincts, potentially undermining your own academic potential?
In law school, I caught myself doing something I've worked really hard never to do as a lawyer and business owner: taking advice that went against my gut instinct.
Every time I ignored my intuition in school, I paid for it. And not just in whatever resulted from the bad advice, but something worse.
I got mad at myself for not listening to the voice in my head that knew what was best for me, regardless of what the "smart" people told me to do.
The Problem With Expert Advice
The study advice from an "expensive tutor" felt wrong—and it was. The calendaring strategy I learned from a "top influencer" felt off—and didn't work with my peak brain function times. The networking advice I got from the Big Law wealthy attorney felt slimy—and it was gross.
I should have listened to my own hesitation. Here's the problem with not doing that.