Book a 90-minute Law School Success Coaching Session with me to elevate all aspects of your studying, scheduling, and life in law school. 

Upon purchase, you'll log in to your account, select your preferred meeting time on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, and receive an email with our Zoom meeting details.   

Purchase a Coaching Session for $199

What's Included in the Coaching Session?

one-on-one, personalized 90-minute meeting with me on Zoom where we discuss anything related to: 

Improving your current study system.

How to write essay analysis for element-based rules.

How to apply and distinguish cases in essay analysis.  

Identifying your strengths and weaknesses. 

How to determine your professor's exam preferences.

Your performance on your midterms and finals.

An ear to listen to what you are going through.  

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome.

Time Management and creating a daily, weekly, semester, midterm and, finals study schedule.

Drafting a petition for readmittance after academic dismissal. 

Your success, happiness, and well-being in law school.

Book a Coaching Session with me now!

Purchase a Coaching Session for $199