Courses for Law Schools

Law Schools can purchase the Recorded Course for one or more students or hire me to teach the 1 Day and 3 Day Courses live on your campus or via Zoom. 

Pricing is included in the syllabi below. Contact me today to discuss your institutional needs and secure your course, as my January, July, and August schedule fills up fast!

Contact Lisa to Discuss and Reserve Your Course Now

The Law School Operating System Recorded Course

Law schools can purchase the recorded course for one or more students who will receive immediate and unlimited access to my course and materials. Pricing is based on the total number of students you wish to enroll, a semester flat rate, or a rolling monthly subscription basis. Diagnostic information is available to track student completion.

View the Recorded Course Syllabus for Schools

The Law School Operating System Live 1 Day Course

Law schools hire me to come to their campus and teach this course live or via Zoom.  Students receive the same instruction and materials included in the Recorded Course, but I teach your students the system in person or on Zoom in a consecutive four-hour session, with three 5 to 10-minute breaks included. Depending on your school's needs, I can also teach the course in three hours or split it into two sessions on different days. 

View the Live 1 Day Course Syllabus for Schools

The Law School Operating System Live 1 Day Course

Law schools hire me to come to their campus and teach this course live or via Zoom.  Students receive the same instruction and materials included in the Recorded Course, but I teach your students the system in person or on Zoom in a consecutive four-hour session, with three 5 to 10-minute breaks included. Depending on your school's needs, I can also teach the course in three hours or split it into two sessions on different days. 

View the Live 1 Day Course Syllabus for Schools

The Law School Operating System Live 1 Day Course

Law schools hire me to come to their campus and teach this course live or via Zoom.  Students receive the same instruction and materials included in the Recorded Course, but I teach your students the system in person or on Zoom in a consecutive four-hour session, with three 5 to 10-minute breaks included. Depending on your school's needs, I can also teach the course in three hours or split it into two sessions on different days. 

View the Live 1 Day Course Syllabus for Schools

The Law School Operating System Live 3 Day Course

Law schools hire me to either come to their campus and teach this course live or via Zoom in four-hour sessions over three consecutive days. Students receive the same instruction and materials included in the Recorded and 1 Day Course, as well as additional instruction on court structure, case precedent, the Socratic Method, and defeating imposter syndrome in law school. Students also get further opportunities to practice the system skills through take-home assignments with written feedback, a simulated class session, a professor debriefing session, and a simulated practice exam session with written feedback.

View the Live 3 Day Course Syllabus for Schools

Frequently Asked Questions from Law Schools